Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Food, Glorious Food!

Oh my home cook..

Nasi Lemak, requested by my brother, Ozzy
Recipe click here

Tom Yam Kung, requested by En. Hubby
Recipe click here

Ketam bercili.. Requested!
So kena la masak untuk diri sendiri.. ;)

My recipe

3 ekor ketam
Bawang merah dikisar
Bawang putih dikisar
Cili kering dikisar
1 biji bawang besar dimayang
1 biji telur
2 sudu besar sos cili
2 sudu besar sos tomato
Sedikit belacan
Sedikit sos ikan
1 sudu kecil serbuk kunyit
Garam secukup rasa

1. Gaulkan ketam yang telah dibersihkan bersama2 dengan serbuk kunyit & garam.
2. Goreng sehingga masak dan ketepikan.
3. Tumis semua bahan yang telah dikisar sehingga wangi.
4. Masukkan sos cili, sos tomato, belacan & sos ikan.
5. Kemudian masukkan pula telur & kacau rata.
6. Akhir sekali masukkan ketam yang telah digoreng tadi bersama2 dengan bawang besar.
7. Sedia untuk dihidang!

Food, glorious food! :)

1 comment:

  1. As reported by Stanford Medical, It is in fact the one and ONLY reason women in this country get to live 10 years more and weigh on average 42 lbs less than us.

    (And realistically, it has totally NOTHING to do with genetics or some secret exercise and really, EVERYTHING related to "HOW" they eat.)

    P.S, What I said is "HOW", not "what"...

    TAP this link to determine if this easy questionnaire can help you find out your true weight loss potential



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